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Marketing Analytics and Data Science
Connect with data & analytics leaders at this exclusive virtual event (July 28 – 30, 2020)
Supercharge the Power of Data Science and Analytics to Deliver Business Impact
Over the course of three days, discover the infinite possibilities that emerge when data science, marketing analytics, insights, and marketing executives break down silos and work together to drive bottom-line impact across an organization.
For more information, click https://informaconnect.com/marketing-analytics-and-data-science-west/?vip_code=MAGNIMIND

vervecon tech conference
If you are a woman in tech, you don’t want to miss the VerveCon 2019 Tech Conference.
If you are a woman in tech, you don’t want to miss the VerveCon 2019 Tech Conference, May 7th 2019 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Yes, there are a lot of women’s conferences. But there are very few that offer real technical talks by women, while also recognizing the challenges and needs of women technologists in today’s companies. We are a team of women engineers NOT trying to change the world, but trying to redefine women’s journey in technology. We took it upon ourselves to try to understand why so few women participate in technical conferences. What we found out was shocking. Women rely on reading technical journals to update themselves about the latest technologies three times more often than attending a technical conference. Their reasons? They felt unwelcomed at technical conference. We heard terrible stories about uncomfortable experiences at sponsor booths and after parties. They didn’t feel that they had the flexibility to travel. Yes, there are some amazing tech conferences for women, but they aren’t in the heart of Silicon Valley, where so many tech women are! We want to change this with VerveCon, the “Convention for enthusiastic women in technology” in BayArea. Come to VerveCon and meet the leader in you!
For more information, click http://vervecon.org/

Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Festival
Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Festival is one of the largest international conferences held annually that focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship.
The first Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Festival was launched in 2016 by Ding Ding TV, and the China-US Summit with the support from the Consulate General of China in San Francisco and the Bay Area Council. The mission of the conference is to establish a platform to facilitate engagement between investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world, and to showcase brand influence on a global stage.
For more information, click https://svef.biz/

Developer Week
Each year, 8,000+ developers, engineers, software architects, dev teams, managers, and executives from 70+ countries gather in the SF Bay Area.

The leading IoT conference & expo
Internet of Things World is North America’s largest IoT event
Internet of Things World is North America’s largest IoT event, bringing you the top technologies, strategies, and case studies for the key industries implementing IoT. Over four days, you will meet 12,500+ leaders and innovators from across the IoT community. The ultimate opportunity for you to get out of the office and build valuable connections all in one place. The conference agenda includes keynotes and tracks covering industrial and consumer verticals and technical-focused sessions. Whether you are just starting out or want to scale your IoT projects, there is content designed for you. The expo hall is packed with 300+ exhibitors and startups ready to show you the latest technology solutions to make your IoT dreams a reality. Step into the future of IoT for business.
For more information, click https://tmt.knect365.com/iot-world/

Churchill Club
What new trends will emerge in the next several years?
What new trends will emerge in the next several years? Find out at one of the Churchill Club’s most anticipated events of the year: the 21st Annual Top 10 Tech Trends debate. Be sure to get your seat as we welcome some of the techno-industries’ leading (and most opinionated) luminaries as they evaluate predictions for the years ahead. Our distinguished panel will rate and debate the trends, and our usual live audience of Silicon Valley’s best and brightest—all with opinions of your own—will be asked to agree or disagree.
For more information, click https://www.churchillclub.org/upcoming-events/21st-annual-top-10-tech-trends/

Silicon Valley Tech Career Fair
Silicon Valley Tech Fair (SVTF) is the largest Tech Fair in the US with 50+ exhibitors and 2000+ attendees this year.
It is open to all types of tech companies (including AI, Blockchain, IoT, Hardware, Robotics, AR/VR, EdTech (including universities), Healthcare, Cloud Computing, Big Data, FinTech, MarTech, HR / Accounting / Payroll / Legal / Tax / Real Estate / Venture Capital services). SVTF is an excellent venue for tech companies to promote their brand and meet potential employees, graduate students, customers, partners, investors and network with the other participating companies.
For more information, click http://siliconvalleytechfair.com/

AI & Big Data Expo North America
The AI & Big Data Expo North America
the leading Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Conference & Exhibition is taking place on November 13-14th 2019 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, Silicon Valley. It will showcase the next generation technologies and strategies from the world of Artificial Intelligence & Big Data, providing an opportunity to explore and discover the practical and successful implementation of AI & Big Data to drive your business forward in 2018 and beyond. Our high-level conferences will bring together forward thinking brands, market leaders, AI & Big Data evangelists and hot start-ups to explore and debate the advancements in Artificial Intelligence & Big Data, the impacts within Enterprise & Consumer sectors as well as Development platforms and Digital Transformation opportunities. Visitors at the show will include IT decision makers, developers & designers, heads of innovation, Chief Data Officers, Chief Data Scientists, brand managers, data analysts, start-ups, innovators, tech providers, and VCs. The dedicated AI & Big Data Conference tracks include; Enterprise AI & Digital Transformation, Data Analytics for AI & IoT, Big Data Strategies, AI and the Consumer, Developing AI Technologies and Big Data for Industry. The AI & Big Data Expo will be co-hosted alongside the IoT Tech Expo, the largest global gathering for the Internet of Things sector, the Blockchain Expo and the Cyber Security & Cloud Expo. As a whole, the event will attract in excess of 13,000 attendees for two days of insightful content covering the whole ecosystem surrounding AI, Big Data, IoT, Blockchain, Cyber Security & Cloud.
For more information, click https://www.ai-expo.net/northamerica/

Predictive Analytics World
Predictive Analytics World for Business focuses on concrete examples of deployed predictive analytics
Hear from the horse’s mouth precisely how Fortune 500 analytics competitors and other top practitioners deploy machine learning, and the kind of business results they achieve. For more information, click https://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/business/2020/
Predictive Analytics World for Financial Services is the leading data science event covering the deployment of machine learning by banks, insurance companies, credit card companies, investment firms, and other financial institutions. For more information, click https://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/financial/2020/
The PAW Healthcare program will feature sessions and case studies across Healthcare Business Operations and Clinical applications so you can witness how data science and machine learning are employed at leading enterprises, resulting in improved outcomes, lower costs, and higher patient satisfaction. For more information, click https://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/health/2020/
Predictive Analytics World for Industry 4.0 is the leading vendor-neutral conference for machine learning for smart manufacturing and IoT. Data scientists, industrial planners, and other machine learning experts will meet in Las Vegas on May 31-June 4, 2020 to explore the latest trends and technologies in machine & deep learning for the IoT era. For more information, click https://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/industry40/2020/
Deep Learning World is the premier conference covering the commercial deployment of deep learning. The event’s mission is to foster breakthroughs in the value-driven operationalization of established deep learning methods. For more information, click https://www.deeplearningworld.com/

Hitachi Inspire The Next
Join us for the latest insights on how to unleash DataOps across your entire data lifecycle
Join us for the latest insights on how to unleash DataOps across your entire data lifecycle – onboarding and preparation, governance and agility, data fabric optimization, and analytics and machine learning. Discover new ways to maximize your data performance and ROI.
Through our customers – your peers – we’ve learned how to tackle some of the most difficult data management challenges today. And succeed! We thought you’d like to learn what we learned and get what you need from over 30 industry experts across four different tracks.
For more information, click https://hitachivantara.bemyapp.com/dataops.next

Marketing Analytics Summit
Where digital analysts and marketing professionals master marketing data to create an impact! Join Us!
For more information, click https://marketinganalyticssummit.com/

9th International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (CDKP 2020)
9th International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (CDKP 2020) provides a forum for researchers who address this issue and to present their work in a peer-reviewed forum.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to these topics only.
For more information, click https://icaita2020.org/cdkp/index.html

DSS Elevate
Data Science Salon elevate is a unique female-focused virtual conference
- Machine learning best practices
- Data strategy and governance
- Data ethics and bias
- Recommendation engines
- Designing ML pipelines efficiently
- Career paths
- Hiring and Recruitment
- Seeking mentorship with purpose
- The importance of female-first spaces
- Navigating male-dominated teams
- Overcoming imposter syndrome
- Data science teams: managing, building, collaboration
- Integrating open-source tools into your workflows
- Data and AI for emerging platforms
- Data governance
For more information, click https://www.datascience.salon/dss-elevate-virtual-conference-june-18/