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Data Science Blog

The Most Powerful Idea In Data Science

The Most Powerful Idea In Data Science

In the tech fields these days, there’re a huge number of people trying to embark on different types of new paths that eventually lead to having a career in the field of data science. Undeniably, the goal is a worthy one, but it’s also important to have a clear idea about the key goal of data science. In this post, we’ll be trying to explore it. Let’s start the discussion.

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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Big Data?

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Big Data?

In today’s business landscape, big data has become the most valuable asset for any business. The more a business can harness big data, the better its position becomes from where it can carry out analysis that helps to develop useful business decisions. Across every industry, big data is being heavily used to predict future trends, recognize patterns, and draw new conclusions. However, like every technological advancement, big data also comes with equal shares of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s have a look at them.

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Data Analysis Tools That You Use to Perform

Data Analysis Tools That You Use to Perform

Data analysis comes with the goal of deriving useful information from data, suggesting conclusions, and supporting critical business decision making. There’re lots of data analysis tools that can be utilized to help a business to get a competitive edge. If you’re trying to step into the field of data analysis, it’s extremely important to have a good working knowledge of the most commonly used data analysis tools. In this post, we’re going to discuss five such tools by learning which you’d be able to propel your career in data analysis.

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What Is The Structure Of Big Data?

What Is The Structure Of Big Data?

In the last few years, big data has become central to the tech landscape. You can consider big data as a collection of massive and complex datasets that are difficult to store and process utilizing traditional database management tools and traditional data processing applications. The key challenges include capturing, storing, managing, analyzing, and visualization of that data.

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What Is A Good Data Science Project?

What Is A Good Data Science Project?

A significant number of newcomers in data science tend to spend a huge amount of time to develop theoretical knowledge and earn certifications only. While theoretical knowledge is certainly required to become a good data science professional, recruiters don’t put much emphasis on certifications only. Instead, they tend to evaluate the potential of a candidate by going through his/her work.

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Is Being A Data Analyst A Step To Becoming A Data Scientist?

Is Being A Data Analyst A Step To Becoming A Data Scientist?

Being a data analyst would mean you’ll have several skill-sets that one needs to work in the domain of data science. However, it doesn’t mean you can easily jump from your data analyst career into the role of a data scientist. Before discussing if being a data analyst could act as a step to becoming a data scientist, let’s take a look at what each of these professionals do.

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What Need To Know In A Data Scientist Career?

What Need To Know In A Data Scientist Career?

From businesses and government institutions to non-profit organizations, there is a seemingly-infinite quantity of data that can needs to be sorted and interpreted to get information that can be applied for a wide array of purposes. With “big data” being the buzz word these days, pursuing a data scientist career has become one of the hottest trends of modern times. Whether you take up a full-time data science course or opt for a data science bootcamp in Silicon Valley, you’ll need to known certain trending technologies (as mentioned below) to make a mark in this field:

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How a Data Scientist works?

How a Data Scientist works?

Today, a huge number of businesses across the globe are striving to make sense of the massive amount of disparate data captured by them through various means. With the help of data scientists, they can transform this inordinate volume of data into actionable insights which can influence their operations heavily. And that’s probably the biggest reason the data scientist career is considered one of the most attractive in the tech field. While data science leaves a profound impact on the tech field, it has also started transforming almost all other sectors – from telecommunications and retail to agriculture and health, just to name a few.

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How Do You Become A Data Scientist Without A Computer Science Background?

How Do You Become A Data Scientist Without A Computer Science Background?

Though having a computer science background or a degree would help you become a data scientist, it’s not a must-have thing if you’ve got your eyes set on a career in data science. According to DJ Patil (who became the first chief data scientist of the US in 2015), data science doesn’t care about if you’ve got a degree or what you majored in. The thing that really matters is what you do with data.

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