Intensive Full Stack Data Science Bootcamp in Silicon Valley: The best quality education with the best prices
Your future career starts here. Study online, with flexible payment options and the full support of industry pros and career mentors. With deferred tuition and a job guarantee, investing in yourself is risk-free.
Intensive Full Stack Data Science Bootcamp in Silicon Valley: The best quality education with the best prices
Your future career starts here. Study online, with flexible payment options and the full support of industry pros and career mentors. With deferred tuition and a job guarantee, investing in yourself is risk-free.
Build a career in an exciting, in-demand profession.
Data Scientists use math and coding to solve complex business problems and predict future outcomes.
Average salary increase
Within one year of graduating
Data & Analytics Manager
Machine Learning Engineer
Data Architect
Database Engineer
Computer Programming
Data Modeling
Data Visualization
Big names hire Magnimind Academy grads.
Our bootcamp prepares grads to work at today’s most impressive companies

Get matched with a personal mentor who works in the industry.
Detailed feedback and reviews
Career insights and tips
Connect with our expert educators in real-time with our live chat service. Ask questions and get feedback, fast.
Career Services
Personalized career coaching.
Full-time career support from day 1
Unlimited technical interview practices
Industry and salary insights
Linkedin and resume writing support
Exclusive access to open roles
Structured to fit into your life, guaranteed to get you a job in data science
Learn in a well-structured environment from the top industry experts and support from student advisors and career coaches.
Practice interviews
Practice interviews with world-class mentors. Learn from the expertise of top company employees. Connect with other mentees for unlimited practice interviews.
Job search support
Get personalized career coaching from the Magnimind team. Learn how to reach out to companies effectively, and get connected to our hiring partners.
Resume and profile review
Have your resume and online portfolio checked by experts. We’ll work with you until they’re perfect.
Affiliation (internship) with a startup company
The project will be performed with mentors from a startup company. Projects will be given based on real-life problems and may address important needs in the industry. You will be able to use the project and company affiliation in your resume as an intern.
Build your portfolio with real projects
Expand your knowledge through Silicon Valley companies' real projects. Build a well-established portfolio with these projects and get ready for interviews and job applications.
How the mentor guided training - project building program works?
Our students have our taking classes, and they also work on projects with mentors. Each student is expected to work 15 hours a week and meet with mentors.
Schedule Options
Online learning. Personal support.
Fit study into the rest of your life as you learn part-time.
15 weeks
15 – 20 hours per week
Live instruction sessions (5 hours per week)
On-demand office hours
No prerequisite, start immediately
Different Payment Options ($2500 – $5K)
The next cohort starts on April, 2023
Tuition Payment Options
Our plans fit your needs.
No loans or financing needed – $0 owed after graduation
[/accordion_son][accordion_son size=”30″ title=”Deferred Tuition Agreement – ($5000)” bodybg=”#ffffff” clr=”#000000″ bgclr=”#ffffff”]Pay Now $1000.
Pay the remaining $4000 when you get a job.
When you get a job, make fixed monthly payments ($500 for 8 months after starting a new job). Terms and fees depending on the amount requested, credit history, employment history, and personal references. After the Bootcamp, you will gain both theoretical and hands-on data science skills along with strong communication and interview skills.
APPLY for Deferred Tuition Program.
Monthly cost $500 – Total cost $5000[/accordion_son][/accordion_father]
Is this program right for me?
The curriculum of this program are created in a way that all professional and academic backgrounds are welcome.
[evc_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_library=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#ffbd59″ text=”6 months of active coding experience with a general-purpose programming language (e.g., Python, R, Java, C++)”][evc_icon_with_text type=”icon-left” icon_library=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-check-circle” icon_color=”#ffbd59″ text=”Comfort with basic probability and descriptive statistics, including concepts like mean and median, standard deviation, distributions, and histograms.”]Any questions about the program?
The admissions process
Job-ready skills employers are looking for.
There are fundamental skills that you need to acquire to be a good data scientist. This includes being able to retrieve, analyze, interpret, present, and organize data. This bootcamp provides theoretical knowledge and homeworks, hands-on office hours where you can master the curriculum.
In the second phase of the bootcamp, you will learn data preprocessing such as handling missing values, standardization, normalization, and feature scaling. You will learn the popular machine learning concepts such as clustering, classification, regression, ensembling, and dimensionality reduction.
Magnimind mentors and instructors
Student outcomes
Our students don't just land jobs, they launch careers
Our Data Science Career Service was designed to give our students the experience and skills necessary to build a lasting career in data science.
Job title breakdown of received offers
Salary distribution of received offers
How long does it take to get hired?
Average salaries before and after Magnimind
Our Featured Articles in Career Karma
Our graduates say it best
Frequently asked questions
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”What are the outcomes of this program?”]
This program is designed to meet the specific needs of applicants and help launch their data science careers with hands-on projects. Most students approach us with a good theoretical background in data science but don’t have good hands-on experience. They lack qualified mentors and don’t have an idea of industry standards. We provide education to fill the gap and provide the best mentorship program in silicon valley where each student will interact with at least three mentors.
Our students graduate from our Intensive Full Stack Data Science Bootcamp with enough skillsets that will help them to find industry placements in related positions. Our students are trained for technical interviews, resume preparations, and necessary hands ‘on requirements. With these checkmarks on your profile, you will be a strong candidate in the job market.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Is this program job guaranteed?”]
Magnimind Academy Intensive Full Stack Data Science Bootcamp in Silicon Valley is specifically designed to place its students. Not only during the bootcamp timeline but also after graduating from the program, Magnimind helps its students with recruiter connections and job placement studies. The program is specifically not a job guaranteed, but it’s the only purpose is to place its graduates in the industry.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”What are the payment alternatives?”]
Currently, the only payment alternative for the program is the up-front payment.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Can I apply for a scholarship?”]
With the slogan of providing education for everyone, Magnimind offers scholarship opportunities to the candidates with low income. You need to apply with the Magnimind Academy Scholarship Form to be considered for competence. Our admission team informs applicants before the bootcamp starts with their eligibility report.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”How old is this program?”]
Our project-based learning program is not only new for Magnimind Academy, but also a pioneer for the whole technical learning industry. Currently, Magnimind is serving with its project based learning bootcamp for the last 1 year. However, we have been offering different bootcamps in the last two years.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Do you have any support after the program?”]
Magnimind Academy is organizing its program to reach out to your dream position in the industry. The guidance of Magnimind continues with career coaching, recruiter connections, and internships after the bootcamp timeline. We also provide bonus educations for some of our students.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”How does Magnimind help me get hired?”]
The reputation of the Intensive Full Stack Data Science Bootcamp Curriculum is the ultimate source that will help you to get hired. Other than the quality of the education, the Magnimind recruiter network will take you one step above between your competitors. Compared to other bootcamps, Magninmind Intensive Full Stack Data Science Bootcamp in Silicon Valley offers in-depth industry-based training where you only focus on the industry’s standard hands-on education with real-life projects. We provide a variety of pieces of training that cover every aspect of job placements.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Will I work with a team during the program?”]
Every student will work with a workgroup on each project. This experience will help you to taste a team-based working environment. You will have the support of your workgroup where you got stuck on a project as well.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”How does mentor meetings system work?”]
We determine meeting times based on your workgroup’s and mentor’s availability. Since the program is part-time, most of the meetings are convenient with non-business hours. You also have the chance to organize one-on-one meetings with your mentor.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Are they all real projects?”]
The projects of the bootcamp are from real technology companies and/or Kaggle projects with real datasets.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Will I have specific tasks while working on the project?”]
You will have an end-to-end experience in different sub-topics of data science while working on the projects. You will collect data, build models, and get actionable insights with your hands’ on experience during the bootcamp.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Can I choose a project field that I am interested in?”]
The projects of the bootcamp are determined by Magnimind Academic Staff and assigned to you. Magnimind admissions team makes sure to understand your readiness to start these projects during the assessment process. However, the Magnimind team would be able to guide you in your project of interest after the bootcamp.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Can I continue working on these projects after the bootcamp?”]
You can continue to your learning and hands ‘on experience with the internship opportunities from Magnimind network. Magnimind meets you with startups and technology companies where you can find paid or unpaid internship opportunities and gain more experience before landing your first position. However, the internship is based on your progress during the regular program.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”What is the weekly time commitment this program requires?”]
Magnimind Academy Intensive Full Stack Data Science Bootcamp in Silicon Valley is an intense 15-week program designed to meet the specific needs of applicants and help launch their data science career with hands-on projects. Each student is expected to work 15 hours a week on their projects and also to meet with mentors to benefit from their experience.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”What if I can’t finish the projects on time?”]
One big challenge for you is the timing during the bootcamp. You will learn how to meet with project deadlines and become ready for timelines of the industry projects. Our mentors help you to catch up on your workgroup and finish the projects on time. Our program managers also assess your progress with weekly bootcamp overview meetings.
[dt_sc_toggle_framed title=”Are three weeks enough to finish a project?”]
On each project, you will have a compressed and intense experience where you will learn different aspects of working on a data science project. The projects also cover different sub-topics of data science during the bootcamp. At the end of the program, you will find the courage to work on many fields of data science with the experience that you gained from these projects.