Whether you want to learn a new skill for a probable career change, or hone an existing skill for better job opportunities, there’s always a battle between what to choose – a bootcamp or an online course. If you too are facing the same dilemma, we would suggest you to opt for bootcamps (like Data Science, Machine Learning etc). Wondering why? Here are the top four benefits bootcamps have over online courses:
1. You learn better with instructors than on your own

Most online courses have the curriculum divided in chapters, which you can study on your own – at your convenience. Since the information available in such courses is often huge, you may feel overwhelmed, confused, and even demotivated. And if you get stuck or can’t understand a concept, you have no one to get advice from or ask questions. The handful of courses that give you limited access to instructors may not help as figuring out everything on your own is tough. In contrast, bootcamps (like Magnimind Academy) give you one-on-one access to instructors, which is imperative to quick and proper learning. Such as Magnimind Academy empowers trainees through dynamic instructors.
2. You get a strong peer environment

A huge advantage of bootcamps is the community of people who are attending the course with you. You get to discuss with your peers the concepts that are taught, brainstorm to complete your allotted tasks, and explain/help others who may need to understand a specific concept/chapter using group chats, video hangouts, message boards, emails in the event spaces. This not only helps you to have a better grasp on what you’ve learned, but even build a good support network of peers who share their passion and interests for what they are learning and doing. At the same time, this strong peer environment can even motivate you to push yourself harder and be better in what you are aiming at.
3. High-impact, quick learning

The duration of bootcamps is much shorter than online courses. Depending on the subject, it can be anywhere from 6 weeks (for data science) to coding (10-12 weeks). Since the curriculum of a bootcamp focuses only on the relevant and important topics that students need to learn, it’s planned meticulously to have extremely trimmed, to-the-point course structure ideal for fast-paced learning. During your office hours, you can practice what you have learned and work on projects that have been assigned to you. Since the instructors are often highly experienced professionals in their fields, everything you learn from a bootcamp is extremely relevant and up-to-date with the present state of the industry. Thus, you not only get to learn topics that are relevant and popular to the current industry status, but even do it pretty fast and in the most effective way possible.
4. Learn to collaborate and network with others

In modern world, you often have to work as a part of team where you need to collaborate with a diverse group of people almost regularly. By meeting and learning with a diverse group of people from different fields in a bootcamp, you will learn how you should collaborate with others to achieve a common goal. Also, as you work with people from different backgrounds and having varying perspectives, you will get to expand your thinking and see the same problem/issue from different points of view. This, in turn, is likely to encourage creativity and innovation. Also, this is a great advancement for your career. By making new friends and keeping in touch with them after the bootcamp, you can even take advantage of a solid network that opens door to significant career opportunities.
The next time you are in a dilemma about whether to choose a bootcamp or an online course, go for the former without a second thought.
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To learn more about data science bootcamps, click here and read our another article.